This Just In ...

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

All In a Day's Work

... when you're a psycho over-achiever, that is! The problem is that not only am I an over-achiever, but I'm also pretty disorganized. So, things tend to fall apart at the last minute. I panic somewhat, but somehow always manage to pull it together. But there is mucho stress in the meantime!

Here is what I accomplished yesterday ...

I got up and worked out at 6:00 a.m., came home and took a shower and got ready for the day.
I got Eli up and off to school.
I washed the sheets and remade beds.
I made 3, gallon-sized bags of spicy pretzels.
I attempted to bake 8 dozen sugar cookies, but ordered them after ruining 4 dozen.
I cut 36 holes in 50 stockings (a project I intend never to repeat!)
I put together four teachers gift baskets.
I prepared the class gift to their teacher.
I wrapped some gifts for school today.
I took Brynne to school.
I prepared spicy pretzel gift bags for teachers.
I babysat my twin girls.
I sat down and watched t.v. (I needed a break!)
I went up to the school twice to deliver things for the parties.
I helped Kyndal study for a final.
I took Kyndal to church and picked up 8 dozen sugar cookies.
I tied yarn to 25 stockings.
I gave baths.
I put kids to bed.
I collapsed.

All in a day's work!


  1. Oh my goodness, Nicole--we have so much in common! I am also a psycho over-achiever who is a bit disorganized. I can definitely see the Great Sugar Cookie disaster happening to me! Today is the first day I've signed in since you went private--so good to be back! Have a great week during this crazy busy season.

  2. Nicole,

    My days at home always seemed like that too. And, amazingly enough, even after doing so much I always felt like I didn't do anything...probably because the job never ends and there is always something to do. You do a great job! :-)


  3. oh my stars girl i'm tired just reading about it! you were so busy!!! today is my busy day!


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