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Friday, November 20, 2009

Rick Rocks ~ Because He's a Nightowl

** Don't forget about my first-ever giveaway for a cool prize that I have no idea what is yet! Intrigued? Go here to register!

When we first started dating, I would stay up half the night to spend time with Rick. And then on those weekends that he stayed in Springfield at my house (at first he lived a little over and hour away, then it was about 2 1/2 hours after we got engaged), he would rise early with me to have coffee.

Yeah, we were totally duping each other.

I turn into a pumpkin by about 7:30 p.m. every night, and am in my pj's by 6:30 if I can get away with it. Many nights he gets the bed ready for this old grandma and tucks her in and then goes in and watches t.v., works, balances his checkbook, etc., etc., etc.

Rick, well let's just say that if I'm still drinking coffee at about 11:00 a.m. on a Saturday (when he's gotten up, if we have nothing going on that day) he'll stand in the kitchen and watch me drink it.

My point in all of this is to say, I'm as thrilled that he likes to stay up half the night as he is that I get up at the crack of dawn. And this is why.

I like to go to bed early, but will easily pop up with a scared or sick child in the middle of the night and will gladly get up with the first one out of bed in the morning, even if it's before daylight. Rick's not a morning person, so he loves that!

Rick gets his second wind every night at about 9:30 p.m. I've completely checked out by then. So, when we have teenager at a football game or movie or get together at some friend's house, he will happily go pick them up at whatever time they are done.

Like last Friday night. He and I were watching t.v., catching up on some DVR'd shows. Our oldest was at a football playoff game and then hanging out with some friends. I was down for the night. Somebody had to drive into town to pick her up. It's a given that Rick will be the one to do that ... not because I tell him to, but because he volunteers because he KNOWS I may not even be able to make it up that late to do it! If she was needing to be taken somewhere at 6:00 a.m., I'd be there! But I am so thankful that he does the night shift. This will especially come in handy when she is a little older and actually has a curfew later than 9:00 p.m.

Even when our babies were first born, I just couldn't do that treacherous 10 p.m. - midnight shift! So, I'd feed the baby just before 10:00 and he'd send me to bed and bounce that fussy one until it was time for the next feeding around midnight. By then I was good to go, ready to take the middle-of-the-night-through-early-morning shift. I was so grateful to him for taking care of them late at night. And I'm still just as grateful that he does it now that some of them are teenagers!

So, although this seems silly, Rick Rocks ~ Because He's a Nightowl!

See other rockin' husbands at Katy Lin's blog.


  1. oh my gosh i could have wrote this post (minus the being so far away at first) me and my hubby are the exact same. I am the early to bed first one up. he is the stay up to all hours of the night and last one up! :)

    have a blast tomorrow!

  2. Amazing how God brings someone into our life who compensates for areas where we are weak or not as gifted. That is true of how we view time, managing the finances, fix broken appliances, view life, etc. God knew what he was doing when he created marriage! Good post.

  3. We could be sisters:) I just can't stay up late. 9 pm and I am done. And Dave is the 11:30-midnight man. And I'm the one up at 5:45 am. Not that I love that either but I manage. Once I'm up and have that coffee in hand, I'm great. Funny, I have always been this way...even in college I was the one sleeping on he couch with a room full of friends hanging around me:)

  4. It sounds like our house, but now I am staying up a little later and still getting up at the same time. Holidays, committees, and teaching is preventing me from getting my beauty sleep! Enjoy it!

  5. Your blog was recommended to me by a sweet blogger named Sherri. I am so glad that I found your blog. I will be following now. :o)

    I loved this post by the way. I so love my husband and I am the grandma in our relationship too! I go to bed so early.

    Have a great weekend!



  6. We used to both be night owls, but lately, he's been going to bed early and I'm up until 3am. ;)

    And I wouldn't call you a grandma. ha!


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