This Just In ...

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

GYMBOREE 30% Off and Gymbucks

Gymboree has 30% off in stores and online (Online Code: GYMCLUB) through Sunday and it is a Gymbucks earning period!

During these sales I always try to get as many clearance items as I can. I was able to get two pair of pants, five shirts and two accessories for $63 (with shipping and tax) and earned $25 in Gymbucks to be used later.

I love Gymboree clothes and the quality is so great! Don't let this opportunity pass if you are a Gymboree lover too!

If you need a coupon for in-store use, leave me a comment with your e-mail address and I'll send it to you.

1 comment:

  1. It's a great deal, but I just had to laugh when they sent the 30% off coupon with my package I had ordered at 25% off two weeks ago. A little aggravating. :-)


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