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Sunday, August 30, 2009

I Can Do Anything for Four Weeks!

You've heard of the 30-Day Shred or P90X. But, have you heard of Rick and Nic's 4-Week Challenge? I didn't think so! (Also notice there is no link to this!)

As part of our mission to get healthy, Rick has challenged himself and me to a 4 week "hit it hard" workout schedule. We are members of our local Y. I typically work out 2-3 early mornings a week and Rick plays volleyball on Wednesday nights. He has worked out in the gym in the past, just not in a while.

We were admiring pictures of how great we looked on our cruise to Bermuda last summer, or at least I was, and had mentioned it to him. We are going to Hawaii next summer and Rick suggested that, instead of waiting until the month or so before our cruise, that we go ahead and get ripped right now and then maintain it as a lifestyle change for the rest of the year until our cruise (and beyond).

The new Y schedule starts tomorrow, so here is what I am going to do:

Monday ~ 5:30 a.m. boot camp, 6:00 a.m. in the gym
Tuesday ~ 5:30 a.m. cycling, 6:00 a.m. abs and upper body
Wednesday ~ 5:30 a.m. kickboxing, 6:00 a.m. body sculpt
Thursday ~ 5:30 a.m. cycling for a full hour
Friday ~ 5:30 a.m. ultimate conditioning, 6:00 a.m. total body workout

These are all classes. I prefer to do them, as opposed to just working out in the gym on my own.

Rick is not a morning person. We have done that/tried that. So, he's going to go to the Y straight from work and work out for an hour on his own in the gym. He likes to do that more than classes.

This challenge is for the entire month of September, starting tomorrow, August 31st.

He has made a weight goal for me, and I have made a weight goal for him. Honestly, his is likely more attainable because he hasn't really been watching what he eats or working out for a while. I've been doing both, so my weight will come off slower. But, with this plan I will be toned!!

It's going to be difficult, getting up that early every single day of the week for a month. But I can do anything for four weeks! What could you accomplish in 4 weeks? Want to join us?


  1. I do want to join you and wish that I could. I stopped trying to lose anything months ago and while I haven't gained any weight I'm not losing anymore. I have 12 left until my goal. I wish I could drive all the way there to go to class with you but I don't think I could find a babysitter willing to come that early and the drive would be a killer :) I do need to adopt a healthier life style.

    And by the way you look great.

  2. Wow! I don't think I could ever work out that early! Good for you!

  3. Do I want to??? Not Really... Do I need to??? Absolutely!! I need a workout buddy but I am sooooo scared that I can't do the early thing. Maybe I need a mind adjustment and force myself to do it. We'll see...i'll let ya know.

  4. wow he is daring to make a weight goal for you most wives would want to kick their butts!:) just kidding that is great!!!!

    I admire you for your schedule! way to go girl!

    I lost all my weight and now back in my size 3/4 clothes! WHOO HOO!

    I do Yoga Booty Ballet and the treadmill at home its just easier for me to do it at home!


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