This Just In ...

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Free Humiliation!!!

In exchange for the following coupons I am providing you, I am asking you to help me embarrass myself! Go to and vote for my morning face photo. You could help me win a $50 Kum & Go gift card! You may not recognize me (seriously! .. I look that bad!) I'm the one in the camper, with the light blue hoodie holding the coffee mug and making the most ridiculous face with the most ridiculous bed head. Lest you judge me, I had just spent 7 straight nights in a row sleeping in a pop-up camper in freezing temperatures having only taken 2 showers in that week. Be kind! Yes, I could have killed Rick for taking this photo of me, but if it wins me $50 then it was all worth it! And, besides, our family motto of "If you don't want it on the blog, don't do it" applies to me too!

If you are from this area, or have a Kum & Go in your area, here are some coupons for you!!

Drink your FREE Cherry Coke while pumping your FREE 5 cents per gallon of gas!

And tell all your friends to vote for me!

1 comment:

  1. YOU CRACK ME UP!!!!!
    what we won't do for our blogs huh!!! LOL



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