This Just In ...

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Friday, January 29, 2010

We Hunkered .. It Came Down ..

and it went out at 5:30 a.m. I'm talking about the power.

The house managed to stay fairly warm, and when the kids got up they put on their robes and slippers and started playing their (purposefully) charged DS games. I just snuggled with puppies to stay warm.

And, at 9:00 a.m., the power came back on ... Hallelujah!!

We are in the process of heating the house back up in case the power goes out again later.

And, strangely, the second the power came back on, it started snowing! The kids are very excited and hope that we get enough snow to build a snowman!

I hope we get a beautiful blanket of snow and that we get to enjoy it from the warmth and light of our house.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you got enough snow for a snowman too. I'm guessing you got more than enough like us! I'm so excited. I haven't seen this much snow in forever. The boys never have.

    It snowed all day. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day outside. Cold...but a blast!


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