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Monday, January 25, 2010

Nicole's Daybook

Outside my window... it's very sunny and chilly.

I am thinking... about money frustrations that are beyond my control, but should be within it.

I am thankful ... for educators that truly love my kids and invest in them daily. There aren't a lot of them out there anymore that have a real passion for it.

I am wearing... my jammies and robe, still, because Rick took Eli to school today.

I am remembering... that I have the pleasure of staying home to take care of my family, even though it can become mundane at times and even though it's not overly exciting and fulfilling. But if it's not exciting and fulfilling, it's because I'm not making it that way. I certainly could vamp things up at home so that my days aren't just "okay" but "great"!

I am creating... Valentine's Day plans.

I am going... to go get my nails done today, because I am way over due!

I am reading... Get Out of that Pit by Beth Moore.

I am hoping... that the lump I found in my breast this week is really just a fibroid cyst brought on by too much caffeine and not something more serious. I'll know more after my appointment with a breast specialist on Thursday.

On my mind... is Rick's frustrations at work.

From the learning rooms... we're having trouble getting back into the groove after our cold weather days and MLK break from school. Now we're in for another round of bad weather.

Pondering these words ... words Rick wrote to his mother recently about hurts from his childhood that directly translate into his needs as an adult man.

From the kitchen... we're eating from the pantry and freezer this week, being creative. But things are still going to be yummy!

Around the house... it's obvious that we have new puppies!

One of my favorite things... is my coffee! How will I give it up?

A few plans for the rest of the week... Today I am going to go get my nails done and then run to the grocery store to stock up on some sale items for future meals. My parents are supposed to come this weekend for a basketball tournament my niece is playing in. But we are supposed to get horrid weather again, so I don't see that happening. So I need to get prepared for us to be housebound again. I think I'll work on an at-home date since we will likely be at-home this weekend.

From my picture journal.

Girls who love puppies!

Get to know other special women at The Simple Woman's Daybook.


  1. great day book great picture!

    I hope your appt goes well and its nothing serious keep me posted!

    I need to stop biting my nails so i can go get my mails done some day it sounds like such fun :)

    for me its Irish Breakfast Tea (hot) or Green Tea (hot) I can't give them up either!!!

  2. good to see you today... the puppies are adorable!! I had to go to the breast specialist just this week because they saw something on my last mammogram...turned out to be nothing, but gave me a good scare! I will be praying that all turns out well with you.

  3. Please let me know how your appointment goes. I too have an appt but, mine is with my surgeon. I have to get my gall bladder removed. Several stones were found on my ultrasound last week. Oh boy, what fun.
    I will keep you in my prayers, that you just have a cyst.
    Good luck!!!

  4. Hey Nicole I hope your appointment went well today! I've been thinking about getting that Beth Moore book lately. You will have to let me know if you liked it.


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