This Just In ...

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Flabby and Gross !!

Well, it's that time of year again .. the time of year where I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Nicole, if we won a luxurious beach vacation right now, I wouldn't let you put on a bathing suit looking like that!"  The holidays, January ice storms with nothing to do but eat, and vacations eating fabulous food are all over.  It's time to get back on the wagon .. the WW wagon that is!

I like to pretend that I'm watching my Weight Watchers points all year, but really I'm just looking for loopholes!  But today I have actually started keeping a points journal again.  Not only that, but I am also back to my workout schedule starting this morning.  Since we don't have our Y membership anymore, and since it's typically too cold in the early a.m. for me to get out and walk, I'm resorting to my old standby .. Gilad on Fit TV!  My new workout schedule is to do Bodies in Motion 4 mornings a week, and Body Sculpt an additional 3 mid-mornings a week.  That would get me 4 1/2 "hours" (minus commercials) or working out.  Hopefully that will start to get me toned!!

My weight loss game plan is to get back to my WW points, weigh only on Monday mornings, wear the same pair of jeans on Mondays to see how they fit and pray that the hunger spirits GO AWAY!!

My goal is to lose 5 pounds, and tone up some, by May 1st.  That gives me 3 months.  You would think that would be easy wouldn't you?  Not so.  My body is actually at its "preferred" weight, so it fights me every step of the way.  But, I'm determined to lose it!!  It won't beat me!

Every morning I will be posting my points for the previous day and confessing whether I actually did my workout(s).  If I don't do it you have full permission to comment me, harass me on FB, call me on the phone, whatever you need to do to make me feel bad enough to stick to it the next day!

Thanks for your support!  If you would like the same accountability from me, let me know!!


  1. ok...5 are a nerd!!! I should do this with you...I need to lose like um...20!! Help!!


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