This Just In ...

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Sunday, February 14, 2010


We had a great day today! I love Valentine's Day, and so does my family!

We started the weekend by renting the movie Up and watching it together last night. When I got up this morning, it was snowing. Yes, snowing! Good grief!

Then everybody got up with excitement over what little sweet gifts they got for Valentine's Day. I love preparing their gifts!

Dawson and Kyndal each got a gift certificate to the movie theater and a tube full of candy. Eli and Brynne each got Mighty Beans and a tube full of candy. The kids got cards from my parents with $10 each.

Then we enjoyed donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast!

I copied an idea I got off Love, Insanity for my gift for Rick. I wrote him a note and every time he read a word in all caps, he got a gift having to do with that word or phrase.

His note said:

Valentine's Day is just one specified day that I can tell you how much I love you, even though I love you this much every day of the year!

I want to smother you with KISSES, because you are the love of my life! {He got a bag of Hershey Kisses, his favorite.}

ALL OF the other wives in the world have to be jealous because of what an amazing husband you are! {He got a jar of jalapeno stuffed green olives, another favorite!}

I will never BLINDSIDE you or leave you a DEAR JOHN letter, and not just because it's VALENTINE'S DAY! {I gave him a picture of our local movie theater and told him we could go to the movies together. We did go this afternoon to see
Dear John ... Date 8 of 52.}

I am yours for better or worse, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and because I feel such GLEE in my life having you in it! {I am buying him the download of the
Glee 2 soundtrack.}

Rick got me the two newest books by my favorite author, Kristin Hannah. I can't wait to read them!

We ended the day watching the original Karate Kid (trying to have Dawson watch some classics before he watches the remakes) and had a homemade gourmet dinner of filet mignon, baked potatoes, pasta with Parma Rosa sauce, spinach artichoke bread bowls and brownies and pineapple for dessert.

What a sweet way to spend Valentine's Day!


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's day. Was the Dear John movie good? I wish we would have picked that one instead. More romantic but, hubby felt like a comedy. Which was fine, after all, I was taking him to the movies. We ended up leaving 45 minutes into the movie because there were two different groups of high schoolars that would not be quiet. I mean they were talking through the whole movie, laughing loudly & actually hollering when they saw people they knew. It was horrible. We left and got our money back for the movies, snacks, & an extra $16.00. I guess the next movie is on them.
    Oh well, we still had a wonderful Valentine's day. Our kids go to the ex's this weekend so, we are going to see Dear John Sat. night. We are just going to drive out 15 more minutes and go to the nicer & newer theatre. I like your present to your hubby, that was cute.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Valentine's day. I love the letter idea. I will have to try that next year. I love your cute. Great pics.

    How are you liking Beth Moore's Get Out of the Pit? (I saw you were reading it earlier.)
    Take care!

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful day!
    The letter and gifts for your husband was a great idea, and so sweet!


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