This Just In ...

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Our meals got a little shifted around this past week. That tends to happen when the weekend rolls around. Either somebody is not here, or the teenagers have other plans, or we are in town during dinner so stop and pick up something, or we just realize late in the day that we've been in our jammies all day playing Wii and now it's dinner time and I don't feel like cooking what I had planned so we opt for chili dogs instead.

Here's what we have planned for this week:

Monday ~ Build your own pizza (using premade pizza crusts I found at Aldi) and cinnamon pizza sticks (also found at Aldi)

Tuesday ~ 69 cent cheeseburgers from McDonald's during the Tulsa area McDonald's Day of Love. All proceeds from 59 cent hamburgers and 69 cent cheeseburgers are donated to the Tulsa Ronald McDonald House. The lines are long, but the cause is great!

Wednesday ~ FFY

Thursday ~ Crock pot pulled pork sandwiches and fries

Friday ~ Jambalaya hamburger helper (Rick and I saw this and thought it sounded kind of good.)

Saturday ~ "Subway" at home (Build your own subs and Baked Lays)

Valentine's Day Sunday ~ Filet minon (purchased at Aldi for $1.79 for a 10 oz. filet), baked potatoes, mini spinach/artichoke bread bowls, pasta for the kids with Parma Rose sauce, and a yummy dessert yet to be decided.

The Org Junkie has other great menus, so head over there if you need more inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great, especially your V-day menu! I need to start shopping at Aldi's again! I wish it wasn't 45 minutes away!


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