This Just In ...

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Rick Rocks ~ Because While I'm Taking Pictures, He's Teaching Roller Skating

You know how it goes, moms. When your child gets invited to a birthday party, you are the one to take them. Or, you might get your husband to take them, but he'll probably just 'drop and go'. I'm not saying every husband is like that, but in my many years of birthday parties that has been my general experience.

But Rick's not that kind of dad, or husband. He's taken our kids to (and stayed at) many birthday parties.

This past Saturday our neighbor was having a skating party in a nearby town. Rick was playing golf that morning in his league he plays in. I was planning on taking all of the kids skating .... kids who had never skated. I asked him if he thought he could make it to join me. He said, 'Sure'! He drove a good 40-50 miles to meet me.

When we got there we 'suited up' the kids in their skates, and got skates of our own. {Secretly, we wanted a chance to couples skate before the day was over!}

Eli and Brynne were all over the place, obviously! In fact, Eli even slipped off the bench he was sitting on and landed in the floor. It was going to be a long afternoon!

But Rick and I took them over to the little practice rink. He not only held onto them while they slipped and slid around, he actually took the time to teach them! He taught them how to use their brake, how to squat slightly and use their free hand for balance, how to 'walk' in their skates. And then he proceeded to take them around the rink no less than 500 times in a two-hour period.

And at the end of the party, Eli skated by himself for a short time and Brynne was skating while just holding hands.

Unfortunately Rick only had the opportunity to couples skate with Brynne under the strobe light, but he didn't look too unhappy.

I love him so much! I was able to take pictures and skate with the kids while he did all the real hard work! It makes me so proud that he's my husband!

I looked around and most dads were just sitting and watching, or not there at all.


Rick Rocks ~ Because while I was taking pictures, he was teaching our children how to roller skate!

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