This Just In ...

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Rick Rocks ~ Because I Miss Him

I know that sounds odd. But let me explain.

These last few weeks have found me super busy, super tired and by the end of the day I am a super zombie. I am distracted and worn out.

This time of year is also when Rick plays a lot of golf.

These two things together means that we don't spend much {if any} time together.

I am going to be honest and say that there have been times that it didn't really bother me. I was so worn out that I was glad to be alone and have time to myself.

But our love for each other has grown considerably stronger over the past couple of years. And I find myself missing him if we aren't spending time together. And I find myself being bothered when I know I haven't been putting him as my first priority.

This week I was busy getting ready for our mini-vacation. Then we were gone on our mini-vacation. Then last night when we got back from our mini-vacation I was exhausted and went to bed at 9:30. Rick went to work this morning while I was still asleep. Right after work he is going out of town for the evening for something he has to do. By the time he gets back I'll probably be in bed. Then my sister is coming tomorrow night for a few days.

I miss him.

I am glad I miss him. I am happy that I love him so much that when I am not getting to spend time with him, that I miss him.

And I do miss him ... Rick Rocks.

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