This Just In ...

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Nicole and Brynne ~ How Does Your Garden Grow?

Last year Brynne and I planted herb and vegetable seeds in our little inside greenhouse. Our oregano and basil and marigolds grew. But, our green beans, peppers, tomatoes and rosemary were duds. We bought tomato and rosemary plants later in the spring, transferred our herbs and planted a container garden. It was a good first attempt!

This afternoon she and I started our herb seeds. We decided to skip doing vegetables from seeds this year, and will just plant them as plants. We'll transplant our herbs to containers on our back patio, and are going to plant the rest of our garden in our garden box that Rick built for us last year.

We planted cilantro, basil, oregano, sweet savory, rosemary and sage.

Really, we just have fun doing it.

If we actually end up with some fresh herbs to use, that's just bonus.


  1. We will be doing that this week too! Love it!

  2. sounds great!!!! hope you get lots of fresh herbs!

  3. This is something I've always wanted to do, but never have! I kill every plant I try to grow! HA HA!


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