This Just In ...

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Rick has been traveling some every week lately, so he and I are slipping out at every opportunity on the weekends to spend some time together. We went out to dinner, to browse through a Christian bookstore and to Starbucks on Friday night for Date 8 of 52. Then we did some errands on Saturday, so we stopped for lunch. And then yesterday we had to run back into town to return something, so we stopped for a quick lunch again. Those are much needed times when he travels during the week. But, because of that, our menu on the weekends gets a little skewed!

Here's what we are having this week:

Monday ~ Spinach turkey noodle bake (see what I mean, I have had this on my menu for the past three weeks at least, and we always seem to pass it over. But, tonight, we're having it! I'm in the mood to cook!)

Tuesday ~ Chicken sandwiches and macaroni and cheese (Brynne's request)

Wednesday ~ FFY

Thursday ~ Hot dogs and chips

Friday ~ Ham and swiss stromboli (I'll be gone for the evening volunteering at the Tulsa EWomen conference .. can't wait!!)

Saturday ~ Frozen pizza (I'm volunteering again on this day and evening.)

Sunday ~ Baked salisbury steak and homemade mac and cheese (a family favorite and I'll be wanting to do something for them after being gone for two days).

For other great menu ideas, visit The Org Junkie.


  1. Friday night - aren't you coming to the Bingo Bash at school? =)

  2. sounds like a great week! my SIL goes to that conference too :)


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