This Just In ...

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Ah, back to some normalcy. Here's what we're having to eat this week.

Monday ~ Boneless crockpot pork ribs and Party potatoes
Tuesday ~ Ham and swiss stromboli
Wednesday ~ FFY (Fend for Yourself)
Thursday ~ Baked salisbury steak and Homemade macaroni and cheese
Friday ~ BBQ pork sandwiches and chips
Saturday ~ My birthday .. am I cooking????
Sunday ~ Easy chicken cordon bleu 

Getting that "end of the summer meal planning" funk? Head over to The Org Junkie for more menu ideas.


  1. i gave you something today on my blog.
    PLEASE accept this one :0)

  2. Hehe I am so picky I wouldn't eat anything on your menu...mostly cuz I don't like beef or pork ;)


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