This Just In ...

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


If you are a woman, you struggle with it .. Balance!

And if you're a Christian woman, you probably struggle with it more. Why? Because you overeducate yourself about all that you should be doing as a Christian woman, you try to do it all, and you burn out and get more out of balance than ever!

You take a study on being a good wife, a good mother, a good steward of your money, a devoted homemaker, a giving person, one who prays for the needs of others. Then you work at being frugal, exercising, having hobbies so you don't burn out. And then, you burn out.


It can all be so complicated, can't it? How is it that we can have a lack of balance when we are trying so hard to have balance? Frustrating!!!

I want to be a good wife, a good mother, a good friend, a good daughter, a frugal and effective homemaker while also leaving some time for myself. In all of this I want God to be glorified. But I also want those in my earthly life to feel like they have gotten the best part of me that I have to offer them. I don't want to neglect my children while giving to my husband or neglect my husband while taking care of myself. It doesn't do my marriage any good to work at all of the other things in my life all day long, then be so wiped out at the end of the day that my husband gets what's left .. which isn't much!

I love to be in some kind of Bible study. And in the summer when activities increase, my study of the Bible decreases. Then I get really out of sorts! My next scheduled Bible study doesn't start until September 10th!

So, I have an invitation for you. I have just ordered the Bible study book entitled "Living a Life of Balance". It's by the Women of Faith gals. Although it's a 12-week study, I've read reviews that it's fairly light, so I am planning on turning it into a 6-week study to do between now and September 10th.

I have had a couple of you ask for advice about Bible studies that I do. Would you like to join me? Here's a link to where you can purchase the book. (Click on the word "link" and it will take you there.) My thought is that we will do two chapters a week, starting on Monday, and one day at the end of the week we can discuss it through e-mail or some other way. I'm planning to start my day with the study, getting up 30 minutes earlier than my normal time to fit it in.

If you want to join me, it requires you to get the book and fast! I'd really like to start next Monday, August 2nd, if possible. So, go to your Christian bookstore, or Barnes and Noble, or Borders or order it at the provided link asap! Comment if you plan to join me. I hope you will.

Remember, though ladies, that we really are trying to find some balance in our lives. Don't throw your life off balance by doing this study. Make sure it will work for you in your life.


  1. That sounds like a great way to fit in a bible study.

  2. I'd love too it sounds great we just have no extra money right now! between the 8th and the 18th! I have to plan and host 1 kids bday party (my oldest is turning 9 soon) and get school supplies, uniforms and everything so no extra money! :( i'm bummed i won't be able to do it!

  3. depending how how many want to do it you can start a new blog and have those people be blog authors/ team members too and you can all post you can have up to 100 people!

  4. I'M IN! I just bought it! I sent you an email too. Very excited!!!!

  5. Nicole, I think that's a fab idea!! I'm in!

  6. Teaching My Little Bookworm's post sent me over! I like the idea of a Bible study with you...but your last two paragraphs made me rethink what's happening right now. I'll tune in to read though!

    I like you honesty and the way you think and share!


Getting comments is the BEST part of blogging! Please leave me one, if you want to! Even if you don't have a blog, just leave me an "Anonymous" comment and sign your name in the body of the comment. I love to see who's reading all this craziness that comes from my mind! Have a great day!