This Just In ...

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Good Aye Mate!!!

How I would love to go to Italy!! (My husband is the only one laughing right now).  Anyway ...

You can click here and enter for a chance to win an 8 night trip to Italy!  You can enter everyday until April something, and will also have a chance to win a gift card for $25 to Olive Garden every time you enter.  Good luck!!

And, lest you think entering contests is a waste of time, feast your eyes on the two things I have won in the past month!  The iPod Touch and $40 worth of Swanson free canned chicken!!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?!?!? You won an ipod touch?? Suh-weet!! I LOVE, love, love Olive Garden, and would LOVE, love, love to go to Italy. I'm there! TFS!


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