This Just In ...

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Lordy, Lordy ... yep, he's 40!

With failing eyes
And balding hair
An electric blanket
And an easy chair

You have reached a time
Called middle age
A time when cardigans
Are all the rage

"But I’m not old!"
I hear you say
It’s only my 40th
Birthday today

Well I was just joking
Having some fun
You’re as old as you feel
If you’ll pardon the pun

So I send my best wishes
On your special day
And I hope you will celebrate
In your own special way

~ Anonymous

Happy 40th birthday to my amazing husband!

You are hotter now than you were when you were thirty.
Especially when you're being rather flirty.
You're not old and stodgy, in fact you're quite sporty.
So lift up your glass, here's to being 40.
~ your loving wife

I love you Rick! I'm sorry you have to spend your entire birthday traveling. I know you must be exhausted! I want you to know what an amazing time I had with you this past week. I love you so much!

See you tomorrow! Your enchiladas are in the freezer.


  1. Nicole - I love you! You are so funny. 40?! Really? I would have NEVER guessed that. . . and lucky you. . that handsome things yours!

    <3 you!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday, Rick!
    I have to say, he does not look 40!


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