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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Super Daddy Rick

Happy Father's Day to the Superest Dad in the Galaxy!!!

(A funny story that prompted the Super Dad theme .... When we were on our cruise there was a family. I don't intend to be mean, but they were the Clark Griswold family of the cruise. It was mom, dad, grandma and two kids. The kids looked miserable. The dad was wearing a pair of swimming trunks, a pair of swimming sandles, a khaki hat that a Boy Scout leader would wear that ties around the chin, and a Super Dad t-shirt {yes, the one with the Superman symbol}. I told Rick I was going to get him one of those shirts. He said, "Don't you dare." I said, "You mean to tell me that if Brynne bought you a Super Dad hat that you wouldn't wear it?" He said, "Nope. I wouldn't wear it. Don't let her buy it.")

So, when I saw a Super Dad gift bag, I just had to buy it. Then when I saw a Super Dad card that you could record a message on before it played the Superman theme, I just couldn't pass it up! I was really worried about pulling off the card because Eli tends to get a little stressed and then he stutters. The card only allowed you to record for 10 seconds. But he and Brynne did it on the first try and it was perfect!!!

Can you say Priceless????

When Rick saw the bag, he just laughed. And when he opened the card, Brynne and Eli were all smiles! The recorded part said, {Eli} "It is a bird!" {Brynne} "It's a plane!" {Together} "No, it's Super Daddy Rick!" They laughed and laughed!

He loved it!

We got him some new ear buds for his iPhone (because his was in the portfolio that got stolen in Hawaii), a sign for his office and a shadow box that I am going to put all of his Oklahoma State paraphernalia that is laying on his file cabinet.

We went into town to eat donuts for breakfast. Eli and Brynne both insisted on sitting in the same booth with Rick, so eating for him was a challenge.

Then we came home and got ready to go see Toy Story 3. What a great movie! I can honestly say there were tears, and not only from me. I sat there and just couldn't believe I was crying so hard watching a cartoon. But, if you've "grown up" with Andy, Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the gang, then you can't help but be emotional when Andy grows up and gives his beloved toys away. It's amazing to me that the Pixar group can continue to produce Toy Story movies that are every bit as good, if not better, than the first. I sure hope there is a Toy Story 4 in our future.

After the movie we came home and Rick took a well-deserved Father's Day nap. Then he ditched us to go play golf.

We ordered pizza, and were kind enough to save him some. Then we had root beer floats.

I hope that Rick enjoyed his Father's Day. We enjoyed spending {most of} it with him. I hope that he truly knows what a wonderful father he is to his children. They are so blessed to have him!

Happy Father's Day, too, to my dad and Rick's dad. Hope your day was out of this world!


  1. That is too funny about the Super Dad bag and card. Your kids are so cute!

  2. Rick looks like a great dad!
    I love the SuperDad story!


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