This Just In ...

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Because I had us so over-filled with Easter activities this weekend, Rick/daddy was good to us (mostly me) and took us out to eat all weekend. Therefore, some of our menu plans from last week are carrying over into this week.

Monday ~ Cheesy chicken and rice casserole

Tuesday ~ Ham, homemade macaroni and cheese and green bean casserole

Wednesday ~ FFY

Thursday ~ Mom's chicken casserole

Friday ~ Salmon (fish sticks for kids), brown rice and veggies

Saturday ~ Chicken kabobs and linguine

Sunday ~ Chicken quesadillas and homemade guacamole

Have a great week!


  1. Charles has another job interview. This is good news because this will be his 3rd this month. Hopefully, things are going to be changing soon.

    You have a great menu! Have a wonderful week.

  2. sounds like a yummy menu plan

    don't forget to check out my 2 books i'm giving away.


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