This Just In ...

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

He is Alive!

Maybe taking your 4 year old to see a live production of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection is a bit much. She was scared at times, but couldn't help but keep watching. I was more affected by this production than I think I even was watching Passion of the Christ. Maybe it's because I was seeing it through the eyes of a bewildered 4 year old. When Jesus came out of the tomb, wearing a white robe and was whole again, I was beaming as much as she was. The older kids really enjoyed it, too. Dawson said he knew the story, but had never seen it acted out. It was certainly emotional for all of us.

Brynne was scared tonight, though, that "they killed Jesus". We followed up the evening with making Resurrection cookies, and she slept with her older sister. I am hoping those two things will help her deal with the trauma of His death. But something in me felt that even she isn't too young to know that He suffered. Hopefully tomorrow when we do our Resurrection Eggs, she will have a better understanding that Jesus is alive!

Eli understood.

When we got in the car he said, "Brynne didn't like the movie. But I did." I asked him which part was his favorite and he smiled and said, "When He was alive."

Yes, son, He is Alive!

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