This Just In ...

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Mom and Her Little Muffin

Yesterday at Eli's school, the kindergarten classes had a Mom and Muffin morning to celebrate the letter "M".

These days are the reason I quit my career to stay home with my children. These days are the reason I don't go back to work even though they are all in school.

My neighbor watched Brynne for me so I could go and devote my time solely to Eli. If you are a mom with multiple children, then you know how important it is to single out just one of your children with your time and attention whenever you can. It's not possible very often, but when it is we have to do it!

Of course he was so excited for me to be there!

We just sat and snuggled and ate our muffin.

There were about five children who didn't have a mom or other significant woman there to eat with them. The boys just joined other kids and their moms and seemed fine because, hey, they were getting to eat a muffin and have chocolate milk!

But, there was one little girl .. that one who was heartbroken that her mommy wasn't there. She was just crying and crying and it broke my heart.

This is the reason I quit my career to stay home with my children. This is the reason I don't go back to work even though they all are in school.


  1. And a perfect reason, it is. These are the days that your children will look back on fondly when they are grown up and moved away.

  2. Looks like you had a fun time! This is why I choose to stay at home and homeschool my children......I get to have "Mom and Muffin" time each and every day! :)

  3. I agree 100%. Those are the special moments you can't put a paycheck on. We are blessed to stay at home. Many moms would like to but are unable and my heart breaks when they can't experience these simple moments with their children.

  4. Moments like these do remind me why I choose to stay home too! It's gonna be worth it for our little fam! My heart breaks for that precious little girl!

    So glad Mom & Muffin was special for you two!!!


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