This Just In ...

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Monday ~ Easy chicken cordon bleu sandwiches, Apples with homemade fruit dip

Tuesday ~ Cheesy broccoli rigatoni, Breadsticks (I might try to make homemade ones??)

Wednesday ~ FFY

Thursday ~ Fried chicken strips, Mashed potatoes, Easy bananas foster (didn't eat last week)

Friday ~ Kyndal, Dawson and I will be gone, so maybe Daddy, Eli and Brynne can go out to eat somewhere fun

Saturday ~ Kids frozen pizza while Rick and I eat out at a vendor's "thank you" dinner (ribs, brisket, sausage, bologna, crawfish ettouffe, shrimp and chicken gumbo, green beans, potato salad, corn, cake, cheesecake, cobbler, eclairs, margaritas, beer and pop .... I think I'll be in heaven and 5 lbs. heavier!!)

Sunday ~ Fish tacos (beef tacos for the kids), Homemade guacamole (didn't get to this last week)

Get other menu ideas at The Org Junkie!


  1. Sounds like a yummy week. Your night out on Saturday is definitely something to look forward to!

  2. Enjoy your dinner out ~ it sounds delicious.
    We're so tired of eating chicken so I was looking forward to MPM today. There's lots of inspiration from the participants.
    I'm also looking for ways to save since my husband is underemployed and I'm unemployed.


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