This Just In ...

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Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last night was See You at the Party, following yesterday's See You at the Pole. Embarrassing to say, we did not make it to the pole yesterday morning. Rick needed to be at work to welcome new customers and I just couldn't swing it with E and B (and Morgan and Makenna). The party at the football stadium was great, though, roughly 1,000 kids. It's great to see all of the local churches come together, wearing the same t-shirts, cheering on our kids to victory. We had a huge dodge ball game on the field that was entertaining! Tim Bach spoke and many kids responded for prayer. It was a beautiful night, so very awesome!

Today will be a whirlwind of activity! Three of the four are at school, Eli soon to follow. While he's at school I'll be placing JBF signs and running errands. I'm taking Kyndal to Tulsa at 5:15 to meet up with someone to go to the Rascal Flatts/Taylor Swift concert. She is so excited! She doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to let her off a week early from her "no-texting" grounding. She'll be texting by 3:15 p.m., which is 12 second after she gets off the bus. Then I'm off to Kyndal's open house at the 8th grade center and then off to Eli's open house at the pre-k wing. I'm supposed to go to a friend's jewelry party between 6 and 8 and somewhere in there we need dinner. Hhhhmmm .. I'll figure that one out later. My "planned" meal is not going to work .. not enough time. I think we'll have beef stroganoff instead. I can throw that in the crock pot.

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