This Just In ...

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Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaacccckkkkk!!!

Wow!  It feels good to be back to "normal"!

Last week, between Sunday night and Saturday, I worked 55 hours at JBF Owasso (Just Between Friends ~ a twice-yearly children's consignment sale), in addition to "keeping up" with my regular at-home responsibilities (dinner prepared for the family, keeping the twins one day, getting all of the kids to/from school and activities, laundry).  It all ended with a 14 hour day on Saturday, then coming home to do a load of laundry for Dawson to go work at the dog show on Saturday for Scouts.  I got to bed at midnight (after working those 14 hours), got up at 5 a.m. to take Dawson into town for the dog show, went back to bed at 6 a.m. and slept until 10:30 a.m.  I had a raging headache all day and just felt wiped out.  Rick said I looked and acted hung over. Although it's been a LONG TIME since I've experienced that sensation, I do think he was right. Today I am feeling slightly better, just tired.

But I'm thrilled to be back to my normal routine today!  I get to plan our menu for the week, get my laundry caught up, sweep and mop these disgusting floors.  And I'm excited about it!  I thanked Rick over and over last week for not making me work outside the home full time. Honestly, I don't know how women do it and I give them high kuddos for it!  I couldn't have kept up this pace even one more day. Thankfully JBF doesn't roll around again until September. Hopefully I will have forgotten how wiped out I am to be excited for it again.  (I know from experience that I will be .. honestly, it's my favorite thing to do all year!)

So what else went on this past week and weekend?

Kyndal helped with 8th grade cheerleading tryouts, since she was a cheerleader this past year.

On Monday Dawson had his quarterly Court of Honor for Boy Scouts.  He received his art and chemistry badges.  As I said earlier, his troop helped with a dog show in Claremore all day Saturday and Sunday.  Both mornings he had to be at the church ready to go at 5:30 a.m.  Now that's service!!  I'm not sure if it was "with a smile" though.  He likes to sleep in!

Eli and Brynne kept to their regular schedules, as much as possible.  But they DID NOT like me being away.  In fact, Eli told Rick on Saturday night, when he was going to bed, that if I had to work on Sunday he wouldn't love me anymore. Ouch!  Rick had to bring each of them up to see me at different times during the week because they were just so sad. I got LOTS of hugs and kisses and was told "I love you" many times yesterday!

Kyndal said, "Mom, there's just no order when you're not here.  As much as I usually hate it, it just sucked!"  Rick told me he missed me too, that I'm the "heart and soul" of the family.

Nice to hear???  You bet!  It's good for them to see, every 6 months or so, what life would be like without me.  And it also helps me see what life would be like without them.  

So, later today I'll have my menu posted, and you can stay tuned for my regular posts during the week.

Glad to be back!!


  1. i am so glad you're back as well and hope you are rested soon! You are the woman!!! handling all of that....kudos to YOU!!

    can't wait to catch up!

  2. I was thinking about what Kyndal said and what she meant was, without you there is no order, but lots of orders (from Rick).

  3. Let me tell is the pits working outside the home! I've been working around 36 hours the past couple weeks as opposed to my normal 10-12 and it's rough!


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