This Just In ...

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Programs and Parties .. All in One Day!!

Today Eli and Brynne had their preschool parties and Brynne had her program (that was on the fly because we were out of school on Tuesday).

Brynne's preschool had been practicing their Bible verses and songs since school started. They sang "Away in a Manger" and "Jingle Bells".

Little Miss was very serious about her responsibilities in this program! She didn't mess around! She did sing, but only with great concentration!

After her program, her class got to eat Happy Meals from McDonald's and then decorate sugar cookies. I just don't think she enjoyed her cookies very much ...

Brynne and I had a good time together as usual! Here she is holding the book she opened in the class book exchange.

After Brynne's party we went to Eli's at his preschool. Unfortunately for Eli, Brynne was "involved" in everything he did. He really didn't mind, but everything really was a joint effort. His class had three centers. They played "Pin the Carrot on the Snowman", made bead candy canes and decorated their treat sacks. Then Mrs. Dunkerson read them a book and they had a snack. Today they are having a pajama party where they will get to watch a Christmas movie, eat popcorn and drink hot cocoa and open their books in their class book exchange.

Let's just say Brynne had a busy day!

I'm pretty sure she just fell over. Rick said he thought he would probably be able to take a picture of me looking like that if I sat down.

Fun day! You know me, these are the days I live for!!!

1 comment:

  1. Brynne reminds me of another blonde that used to look just like this after a day of meetings at Gaston's.

    Hmmm....wonder who that could be?


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