FOR TODAY December 22, 2008
Outside my window... it is cloudy, dark, cold, windy and dreary.
I am thinking ... about my friends who are having struggles with their marriages.
I am thankful for... my husband who loves me and who really works at making me happy.
From the kitchen... we'll be having a crock pot dinner tonight.
I am wearing... jeans, tennis shoes and a baseball shirt (and my new orthodic shoe inserts because somewhere along the way, I got old!)
I am creating... a clean house today.
I am going... to take my two boys for their well-child checkups this morning and am dreading the vaccines they have to have! Sure wish those came in a pill!
I am reading... The Good Woman by Danielle Steel
I am hoping... that the boys do okay today.
I am hearing... "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" playing in the living room.
Around the house... it is very quiet because most of the kids are still asleep.
One of my favorite things... planning birthday parties, is DONE for this year! With the exception of the most important birthday .. Jesus! I am now preparing for it.
A few plans for the rest of the week ... today we will go to the doctor, and then to do something fun as a reward. We'll come home and start cleaning the house "like someone's mama is coming for a visit" .. because mine is!! :) Then tomorrow we will finish our Christmas Eve family preparations. Our home will be invaded by my mom and dad, sister, niece, favorite aunt, two dogs, Rick's sister, our brother-in-law and other niece and nephew for a fun evening! Then we'll have a great time on Christmas Day as a family eating and opening gifts and hanging out! The day after Christmas we will head to Missouri to stay with mom and dad and have another big family Christmas dinner with my mom's family and my brother and sister-in-law. We'll head back home early next week.
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enjoy the peace and family. liked reading your blog and music!!