This Just In ...

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

We are now back in the states, at mom and dad's, and seriously had the most amazing vacation of our lives. The kids were great without us, which made it so easy to relax. Hopefully on Monday I will have some time to sit down and give a blow-by-blow of our time on the ship, in Bermuda and in Baltimore, and include some pictures of the most beautiful views in the world. Thank you to all who took care of our stuff while we were gone (Steph!!) and our kids (mom, dad, Kris, Ry, Kyndal and Dawson). We feel revitalized both in our marriage and in our roles as parents and are ready to take on the world again. God bless you all and stay tuned for cool info!!



  1. Glad to hear you're home safe and sound. Anxious to hear if you feel like we do about sands....aqua water....take us back soon!


  2. We decide right then and there that we would retire there ... WOW!!! It was the most amazing place we have ever been!!! I'll give you the full story soon. Love you!


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