This Just In ...

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I know you moms know how it is on most nights.  At least for us, we have so many different personalities trying to mesh together after a day where a variety of "things" have happened to us.  We all deal with things differently.  Kyndal is 13 so, you know how that goes on most days.  Can anyone say "attitude?"  Dawson is an 11-year old boy who bores easily, so he likes to raz everybody in the house which gets irritating.  Eli wants to be alone, away from Brynne and her singing ("Baby, stop, you're hurting my ears!!!)  So he's typically beside himself.  And Brynne is just so active all day that I am exhausted and ready for some peace and quiet.  Rick comes home to a house where I have put up with it all day and am tired and ready to go to bed at 6:00 p.m.  I know that must get old.  We sometimes struggle through the evening, just trying to put up with each other, getting done what has to be done, praying dinner dishes are put away by 10:00 p.m., dragging around until we get the kids bathed and in bed, so we can collapse in bed ourselves.  I over-exaggerate, of course, but it does go a little something like that on a lot of evenings.

But, last night was a rarity ... a mother's dream.  It's almost hard to explain because nothing really happened.  After a day of sun at Big Splash you would have thought we would have all been extra cranky.  But, not the case!  We got dinner done at a decent hour, although everyone kindof ate sporadically.  I looked out in the backyard and Kyndal and Dawson were sitting in the sandbox together ... weird!  Then they played in the sprinkler ... TOGETHER!!  No bickering, no fighting.  Nobody was asking me to do things they know I'm probably going to say no to and then stomping off in a huff because I did.  There was no stress!  Eli and Brynne just ran in and out in t-shirts and underwear playing "Super Bunny!"  No bickering, no fighting.  Rick did some mowing, but just seemed so relaxed and happy (could it be that it's because we are leaving for vacation tomorrow???)  And, I just sat back and enjoyed it all!  Rick took the girls into town with him from 8-9:30.  He went to just go tan, but then they ended up just running around and talking.  The boys just played quietly by themselves.  And I laid on the couch (yes LAID on the couch) during that whole time watching 48 Hours and Without a Trace.  I haven't done that FOREVER, it seems!  Everyone got to bed by 10:00, and Rick and I followed shortly.

I know this all sounds so lame to so many.  But it was so nice.  There was just a calm in the air, a peace in the house.  Dare I say we loved being together???!!!  Aaaahhhh!  So far summer is off to a great start!  However, it's only been 3 days.

Today we are going to our friends, the Callerys, to swim in their pool.  Then we've got to get in gear for our vacation.  Lots to do, lots to do!

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