This Just In ...

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Storm of 2009

Slip sliding in, 
but groceries must get.
Walmart in an ice storm,
be strong and don't quit.

Two hours later,
sledding back home.
Fearful of my driveway,
downward slope, and I moan.

Arrived at home safely,
prepared for no school.
Heard a thunderstorm at dawn,
power stayed on ... cool!

A family all housebound,
could we make it, would we crack?
The last woke at noon saying
"There's snow out back!"

Rock band, "Crusoe" catch up,
work from home, playing games.
A house being destroyed,
will it ever be the same?

Then came the snow,
all outside, sledding down.
Smiles everywhere, squeals too,
Nowhere was there a frown.

No school will be tomorrow,
or the next day, I bet.
With food and fun a plenty,
we're all fine, all set!

How long will we be here,
surrounded by snow?
Will there be school this week?
Does anybody know?


  1. I didn't know you were a poet too!

    We might have school Friday, maybe? Seriously doubt we'll have school Thursday though.

    You are brave to try WM in this stuff!

  2. I did Walmart when it was just starting. It was a necessity because we had been gone the whole week before and we had no groceries!!


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