This Just In ...

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Rick Rocks ~ Because He Has An Amazing Sense of Humor

Any sense of humor that our kids have, they totally get from Rick.

He is the funniest person I know and can make any situation, no matter how dreadful, full of laughter.

He has a saying, "You have to laugh or you'll cry!"

I tend to think I'm pretty witty, but he always takes my little jokes and magnifies them to the nth degree to make them so much funnier. I just laugh all the time!

And he can find a movie line or verse from a song to apply to any situation. We've been together so long that now I usually know what line he's going to use before he uses it. He's rubbing off on me.

In a life of difficulties .. and we all have them .. it certainly is nice to have someone around who finds the humor in most situations! It makes life so much more bearable, and even fun!

Rick Rocks ~ Because he has an amazing sense of humor!

** He also gets a bonus Rick Rocks award this week for the amazing job he did cleaning out our garage and setting up hanging racks for my garage sale. I would have just thrown something together (probably at the last minute). But, he spent a couple of nights this week fixing it up. I will look like a professional garage sale giver. I am so grateful! Thanks, babe!


  1. I think most of us should laugh more. Laughter is good for the soul. You are blessed to have such a great hubby. Good luck with your sale this weekend. Wish I could come.

  2. Rick Rocks because he made your garage look like a boutique!!!!! haha

    It was a LOVELY set up!!


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