This Just In ...

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brynne's New Haircut

Brynne has been wanting to get her hair cut for quite some time now. We have resisted because her hair is just gorgeous!! And, I know that once you cut it off it never grows back the same!

But, this summer she has been miserable with it! It is hot and stringy and when she sweats it wraps around the back of her arms and gets stuck in her armpits and it pulls. It gets stuck in her swimming suit. And, it just looks scraggly most of the day. She wants to wear it in a pony all the time.

My sister is a hair stylist, so we decided to let Aunt Krissi cut her hair this week. Because her hair is so long, she could donate it to "Locks of Love". So, we did it ....

Here's her hair just a few days ago

And here it is now

And here's how it all went down

Exactly 10 inches were cut off, and we'll be donating her beautiful locks as soon as we get back to Oklahoma.

She looks so grown up .. ** sniff, sniff ** .. But, she LOVES it! And so do I !!!


  1. She looks so pretty! I love her hair both ways! That is a precious gift to give.

  2. Oh Nicole - I love Brynne! Her hair looks so pretty. What did Rick say?! Doug would have flipped out! Oh well she's gorgeous either way!!!

  3. I love it! It does make her look more grown up, what a difference. I had a hard time cutting my kids hair for the first time. They both had the little baby curls I didn't want to cut off.

  4. Tell her Ms. Stephanie LoVES IT!! She looks so grown up!! Way to go Brynne!!

  5. What a great hair cut! She is so cute!!!


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