This Just In ...

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

I'd like to wish an extra Happy Father's Day to my dad, Bill, and the father of my children, Rick!

Here's how we spent our day ...

We got up a little early to get Dawson ready for his Boy Scout week at camp. Rick opened his gift (some volleyball clothes and some jalapeno filled green olives). Kyndal spent the night with a friend, and Dawson was going to be gone by the time she got home, so we took some fragmented photos of Rick with me and the kids.

After Dawson was delivered to his Troop, we took the little guys for donuts and then went on to church. After church we came home so Rick could do his second favorite thing ~ watch golf on t.v. (Playing golf would be his favorite thing, but it's just too stinkin' hot for that!!)

Rick and Kyndal loved on each other for a few minutes ...

While the kids were playing, and Kyndal was taking a nap, Rick and I went out to water the flowers. We decided to sit down on our porch swing. Rick and the kids bought me this swing last year for Mother's Day. It's one of my favorite things. Here's a picture of it.

And here's a picture of Rick and my face as I sat down next to him and we heard a screeching noise right before it hit the ground with us on it!

And here's a picture of it now.

Rick woke up Kyndal immediately and they headed into town to buy me a new one. They couldn't find a good one, so now I am swingless. ** sniff, sniff **

We had our Taulman Team Meeting, without Dawson, and planned our week, which is going to be busy! Then the three of us had a pretty deep discussion about what we should do about moving, how we're feeling about our options and what we think God is trying to do in this situation. It is a time of some confusion, so we are just waiting right now.

I fixed Rick his requested dinner of Baked Salisbury Steak and Homemade Mac and Cheese. Then we had cantaloupe for dessert, his favorite of course! Rick and I ended the day watching HGTV's $250,000 Challenge. They totally gave it away in the previews who won, so the excitement just wasn't there, but it was nice to just sit together in peace and quiet!

I'm so glad we got to spend the day together, and wish that Dawson would have been here with us. But it was a nice day anyway!

I hope that my dad had a nice Father's Day! We're heading to Missouri to see them on the 29th, so we'll give him extra loves then.


  1. Yep! Those new GIRLS made that swing fall down!!! You no longer weigh 100 lbs. now!! HA HA!!
    Love your back porch too. I wish you would take pics of your entire house for all of us to see. You give us little snippets of it in some photos but I would love to see it all.
    Glad yall had a great day!!

  2. Oh my goodness, how funny! Yep I agree with April, it's all the girls' fault! You be lookin mighty fine though! :)

    Good job on the Taulman Team mtng!

  3. Bahhah! I wish I could have seen that one! How much do the twins weigh anyway? LOL! Glad you guys had a great day together!


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