This Just In ...

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Robots and Reptiles

Rick and I took Eli and Brynne to see Wall-e, at the movies today. If you didn't know it, there is hardly any dialogue in it. It was cute, but not a Pixar best. And I think it was a little difficult, if not impossible, for a 4 and 2 year old to follow. They were mildly entertained, but just didn't seem to get into it.

I don't know how it has happened, but I think I may be slightly attached to Dawson's green anole, Camo. Maybe it's just fear that something will happen to him this weekend while he's in my care, since Dawson is at a caving campout. I've gone upstairs several times to check on him and mist his cage. I even spent $1.00 of my money to buy live crickets to feed him. Weird.

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