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Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Great Day, Personally

What do you count as a great day?

At the end of a day, what are the things you have accomplished that make you feel satisfied?

I have a list of things relating to my health, relationships and homemaking that, if completed, make me feel just a little bit better at the end of the day. Many days I do some of them, but not all. Like most women I feel like I have fallen short in one, or sometimes many areas.

I also know that I waste a lot of time during the day. Most of the time it's in doing exactly what I'm doing right now ... blogging!

I also find, though, that if I write down specific goals for specific days, and cross them off as I complete them, I tend to get more of them done.

Taking all of that into account, I wondered if you would like to join me in a little week-long challenge, starting Monday. If all goes well, I might see if I can carry on the challenge for a longer period of time. Who knows. I just want to journal how I feel, and how the members of my family feel, if I accomplish those things that tend to make me feel better. You know, they might not feel a difference at all. Or, maybe they will. Maybe I'll feel a difference and they will just notice it in me.

Step 1. Write down the things that I want to accomplish in a day, being specific.
Step 2. Keep specific track of when I accomplish these things. Mark them off the list, if you will.
Step 3. Journal feelings ... mine and my family's.

Pretty subjective, huh? For each person I know it will be a completely different list.

Here is my list of what I would really like to accomplish each day:
1. Run every morning.
2. Bible Before Blogging. (Read a devotion or just a couple of chapters).
3. Blog.
4. Do my household chore(s) of the day according to my daily schedule.
5. Do something meaningful with my kids.
6. Have a healthy dinner prepared by 5:15 p.m.
7. Have my kids settled down for the night at 9:00 p.m.
8. Devote time to Rick (alone) every night when the kids go to bed.
9. Eat healthy throughout the day.
10. Take a small amount of time for myself each afternoon to read, rest, whatever.

And each week:
1. A date night with Rick.
2. One of the projects I set out to do this summer that I haven't started.

I feel like doing all of these things balances me. It gives me time to myself, time with Rick, time with the kids, and time doing necessary things.

I don't want to be legalistic about this or set myself up for failure. Sure, this might not be attainable. But, if I would just try to do it, it might be.

Would anybody like to create their own list and join me?


Getting comments is the BEST part of blogging! Please leave me one, if you want to! Even if you don't have a blog, just leave me an "Anonymous" comment and sign your name in the body of the comment. I love to see who's reading all this craziness that comes from my mind! Have a great day!